Why Choose Sani-Powder?
The Power of HOCL
HOCL (hypochlorous acid) is the most powerful oxidant in the chlorine family and is proven to be 100 x more effective than bleach. HOCL is naturally found in our immune system created by our white blood cells (neutrophils) and is used to kill viruses, bacteria, and even hard-to-kill diseases in a matter of minutes!
HOCL does not contain any bleach, alcohol, or quats, so it is the safest solution for daily sanitizing and disinfecting. Once it does its 'job' it slowly turns back into water, leaving no chemical residue behind.

SANI-POWDER is a granular powder sold in pre-measured packets that quickly dissolves in water. SANI-POWDER is designed for you to make the desired concentration at point-of-use using just tap water, eliminating plastics and harmful waste.