
Safely and effectively sanitize all commercial establishments, allowing a chemical-free environment for its customers and employees. From office spaces to entire malls, airlines, and construction sites. You can be assured of the safe and effective use of this product.
Frequently spray or mist lounges, waiting areas, bathrooms, employee locker rooms and designated areas, all store appliances, equipment, computers, countertops, and floors using a recommended concentration of 300-1200 ppm depending on your application. Treat affected areas and kill mold, germs and bacteria with no wiping required allowing for the highest impact of kill time.
For larger areas, use a cold mister to distribute solution with no PPE required.
Floors: Clean entire area properly, followed by misting the solution at 300 ppm FAC.
Air conditioning units: Mist with a solution of up to 300 ppm FAC in evaporation trays daily to prevent legionella.
Bathrooms: After conventional cleaning, mist toilet, floors and sinks with a solution of up to 300 ppm FAC to eliminate E. coli and other fecal transmitted bacteria.
Recommended Misting: Misting is the recommended application to effectively and efficiently distribute the solution to large and hard-to-reach areas with no PPE or wiping required. Under normal conditions, you may mist at a suggested 300 ppm. For viral hotspots or outbreaks, use a solution of up to 1200 ppm. Another benefit to misting is that it suspends the water molecules in the air increasing the chances of deactivating any airborne viruses.
Using any device that will heat the solution is not recommended, as heat compromises the efficacy of the solution. Cold foggers are always recommended while misting HOCL solutions.
When our product is used at the recommended quantities and concentrations, you will generally will not receive many of the negative side effects as you would from products, such as bleach, alcohol or ammonia. No hazmat suits or protective gear is also required.
*Does not have zero corrosive effect as all products can be harmful to surfaces based on the amount of saturation and timing. It is safe for most hard, nonporous surfaces when used with appropriate recommended concentrations and not over saturated.